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Minimising section 94 contributions

The Newcastle Herald recently reported that the Catholic Church proposal for a 14 storey development in Newcastle had been approved by the state planning authorities. At an estimated value of $28,851,788 the S94 contributions for this development would typically be $577,036 based on 2% of the development cost. The article reports that the church requested for the S94 contribution fee to be reduced or removed using the development’s potential for affordable housing as it’s basis. However authorities believed that the development was not intended for affordable housing and declined the request.

While the above request was declined, The City of Newcastle’s Section 94A Development Contributions Plan does provide a list of developments types the are exempt from the levy. The plan further details the costs and expenses such as building repairs, fittings and furnishings, disabled access, energy and water efficiency measures may be excluded from the estimated development cost.

A detailed cost estimate report must be prepared by a Registered Quantity Surveyor for developments over $500,000. At Goeldner Consulting, our expert knowledge of construction costs and council S94 contribution plans will ensure sure that you are not paying excessive fees for your development.


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